Pitta Balancing

Pitta Balancing

Pitta is ruled by fire and water. Think transformation, fast moving, big external changes. 10-2 AM and PM is Pitta time. Late Spring and Summer is Pitta season. The time of year we travel, play in the sun, and make big moves. But if we aren't mindful we can burn out really quickly leaving us brittle.
It's up to us to bring cool air and grounded earth into out days, into our firey personalities, or into the summer months. Pitta is balanced by CHILL, YIN, MEDITATE, RESTORE, forward folding FLOW. It's hot enough outside, use your yoga to balance it out! Less alignment and heat, more feel good chill.

Pitta Balancing
  • Pitta Pacifying CHILL with Caitlin

    Join Caitlin's Tuesday zoom class for a Pitta Pacifying CHILL. Pitta - summer season - is ruled be water and fire. This class has lots of earthy and airy qualities to balance your hot head and hot day out.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0ccxQfnCsF52twLhBO1s5v?si=58f587e7f9a24c19

  • FLOW - Finding Comfort & Ease

    Vinyasa yoga class with ODD flare - awesome music, powerful messages, and thoughtful movement. You will need blocks and a strap.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5eEQfmBBoWIPny0v5DRzgI?si=8Ii4pjxHRDis7FnC_w35QA&nd=1

  • BACK - Lower Back Love

    This is a back CARE class. Niki focuses on lower back and hip pain - with more structure and less flow. Leave feeling empowered! You will need a blanket and a block.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1SGbsrf4fSHIOM0WOHM4a3?si=1c1rWYSwTzKQYRKTYWUKUw

  • CHILL - Grounding and Growing

    Joana leads a grounding, chill flow class. You will need blocks.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ECv3xDGd13buGtpqg1hbY?si=um9NwAezQUuVE3RGttAHzg

  • Slow Flow with Bobbi

    This class breaks down the basics and moves slow so you can build confiedence. Return to a home practice or get to know things you'll see a lot in class. It's a slower moving introduction to "Flow" and "Chill" styles of yoga. We build up to sun salutes and a standing flow sequence.

    Props: Block...

  • Building A Bridge Basics

    Grow slowly to bridge pose, a common pose in classes. Yoga means to yolk, to connect, to build bridges in our lives on and off the mat.

    Props: 2 blocks and a blanket
    Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2w7PohInnNYeNMDjSywZim?si=10220ddb39f84e20

  • Quick Prop Free Massage with Hallie

    Perfect for traveling, middle of your work day, or an addition to your longer practice. No props needed.

  • Tips for Settling the Nervous System

    Sarit shares a favorite technique for settling the nervous system by stimulating our vagus nerve. Get out of fight, flight, and freeze and into a place where you can function.

  • FLOW - Being Human

    Courtney leads a quick flow encouraging us to use our practice as a way to flow through our humanity, while inviting a sense of curiosity and playfulness. You will need blocks and a strap.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5RQgAljAkytOx3F2bEINkh?si=ylSh7omcQDefc-m8sDJUjw

  • REFUGE - Grounded and Wrist Friendly

    Sarit guides us through a compassionate, mostly hands free, trauma-informed slow flow with no vinyasa. You may want a pair of blocks, a bolster, or a blanket.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/38KgL5Rii0sviw9imdWJ4b?si=15393ec14d7d416c

  • MASSAGE - Neck & Shoulder Release

    Accessible and essential for our neck and shoulders dominated lives. Molly is so full of knowledge.
    This class pairs well with Molly's Shoulder Love short class.

    Props: wall, massage balls/tennis balls, blocks

  • Mobility vs Flexibility with Molly

    This 5 minute tip is a gateway to some exploration with your practice. Start here and spend some time in your home practice exploring your passive vs active range of motion or mobility vs flexibility.

    Props: Strap or something like it.

  • FOAM ROLLING - S(quad) Roll Out

    Let's spend some time on the legs today with the SOFT foam roller.

    Playlist: choose your own :)

  • ODDtip - Working On Your Splits

    Este shares their favorite tips for improving strength and flexibility for hanumanasana (splits)! You will need a pair of blocks.

  • FIT - Lower Body Stabilizers

    Cerrissa focuses on lower body & glutes in this grounding, stabilizing class. You will need a resistance band.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3UaCzeqo7iLdOTry70yNBH?si=uQdqn7UkS9mwSZxl_YIzvg

  • MEDITATE - Earth Meditation

    Part of Nadia's alchemy meditation series, focusing on the element of earth.

  • YIN - For An Active Lifestyle

    Bobbi offers a yin inspired class for runners, hikers, or anyone with an active lifestyle, where we will work on stretching and stabilizing the body. You will need a set of yoga blocks.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3iBcUXA0Sf6aMzhWsYDw4W

  • Meditation Tip and Practice - Boundaries and Protection

    Nadia provides a tip and meditation for creating boundaries and a sense of protection through a meditation practice so we aren't as bombarded by the world. We are in a state of hypnosis with all of the input and media in the world. Meditation can help us re set ourselves with our own programming.

  • FLOW - Going Inward

    In this practice, we're exploring what it feels like to go inward with intention. Variations of forward folding and heart-opening. Play with how those two ideas work together on our mats and philosophically.

    Props: 2 blocks, strap, blanket optional

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1...

  • Root Chakra Meditation with Courtney

    This grounding meditation can be done seated, laying down, or however you feel most supported. A focus on the Root Chakra.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5gKDgqCAOMHzU1ZPNumh1D?si=c2c29550688f4cc0

  • FLOW - Exploring Folds

    Katherine offers a folding flow practice to give your joints some love. You will need blocks, blanket and a bolster.

  • CHILL - Practice Feeling Good

    Natalie leads us a short chill class, inviting you to follow your breath, and practice feeling good. You will need blocks, a bolster, and a blanket.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/641QGt6v5BRc0hpnu7cLzl

  • CHILL - Be Where You Are

    Caitlin leads a sustainable flow practice, inviting you to find a sense of balance and comfort. You will need a pair of blocks, blanket, and a pillow/bolster.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xCWZxi5UizgiDnqYleXmW?si=kiLtCklXRSO46sCEECcupQ

  • RESTORE - Support Yourself

    Bobbi teaches a restorative yoga practice focusing on support and grounding. You will need blocks, blankets, bolsters or pillows.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ynK54QrUFvYjZ98DKd1oH?si=HyOsA5pKSzqsQsUBdHY9EA